HS Codes

HS Code Description
8102960011 Molybdenum wire, containing by weight at least 99,95|% of molybdenum, of which the maximum cross-sectional dimension exceeds 1,35|mm but does not exceed 4,0|mm
8102960019 Other
8102960020 Molybdenum wire, containing by weight at least 99,95 % of molybdenum, of which the maximum cross-sectional dimension exceeds 4,0 mm but does not exceed 11,0 mm
8102960030 Molybdenum wire, containing by weight 97 % or more but less than 99,95 % of molybdenum, of which the maximum cross-sectional dimension exceeds 1,35 mm but does not exceed 4,0 mm
8102960040 Molybdenum wire, containing by weight 97 % or more but less than 99,95 % of molybdenum, of which the maximum cross-sectional dimension exceeds 4,0 mm but does not exceed 11,0 mm
8102960098 Other

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