Integrated circuits a backbone to modern electronics have been a globally sought commodity in the present days due to their wide variants serving different sectors like transistors, resistors, and capacitors, working altogether in a semiconductor material. Due to the rapidly evolving electronics manufacturing industry and the limited local production of ICs along with other attributing factors like Supply Chain Integration and Cost and Efficiency Considerations facilitate the import trade rate of integrated circuits import data in the nation.
The country has been importing such IC imports in a bulk amount from some of the top traders like China, South Korea, Taiwan, Japan, and Singapore for a suitable revenue generation contributing to the annual growth of the nation. The detailed analysis of the Philippines integrated circuits import data says that the import trade value of integrated circuits imports in the Philippines stood at a staggering import value of 10 billion US dollars in 2023.
The growing import rate of integrated circuits in the nation has induced a wide variety of its products in the domestic industries. As per the Philippines Integrated Circuits Customs Shipment Data, the top imports of the nation in 2023 are discussed below,
• Microprocessors – Import trade value of Microprocessors in the Philippines in 2023 – 5.6 billion US dollars.
• Diodes – Import trade value of Diodes in the Philippines in 2023 – 2.6 billion US dollars.
• Transistors – Import trade value of Transistors in the Philippines in 2023 – 1.8 billion US dollars.
• ICs for Electronic Equipment – Import trade value of ICs for electronic equipment in the Philippines in 2023 – 1 billion US dollars.
• Electronic Switching Apparatus – Import trade value of Electronic switching apparatus in the Philippines in 2023 – 980 million US dollars.
• Digital Processing Units – Import trade value of Digital processing Units in the Philippines in 2023 – 800 million US dollars.
• Printed Circuit Assemblies – Import trade value of Printed Circuit Assemblies in the Philippines in 2023 – 745 million US dollars.
• Electronic Amplifiers – Import trade value of Electronic Amplifiers in the Philippines in 2023 – 650 million US dollars.
• Solid State Non Volatile Storage Devices – Import trade value of Solid State Non Volatile Storage devices in Philippines in 2023 – 500 million US dollars.
• Processed Semiconductors Wafers – Import trade value of Processed Semiconductors wafers in the Philippines in 2023 – 460 million US dollars.
The Philippines Trade Data enlists the below-mentioned as the top trade partners of the nation for integrated circuits import,
• China – As per the China Export Data, the import value of integrated circuits in the Philippines from China in 2023 – 6.7 billion US dollars.
Import Variations of Integrated Circuits
1. Central Processing Units
2. Dynamic Random-Access Memory
3. Voltage regulators
4. Operational amplifiers
5. RF transceivers for mobile communication
• Japan – As per the Japan Export Data, the import value of integrated circuits in the Philippines from Japan in 2023 – 5.7 billion US dollars.
Import Variations of Integrated Circuits
1. Microcontrollers
2. Static Random-Access Memory
3. Battery management ICs
4. Data converters
5. RF power amplifiers
• Malaysia – As per the Malaysia Export Data, the import value of integrated circuits in the Philippines from Malaysia in 2023 – 4 billion US dollars.
Import Variations of Integrated Circuits
1. Digital Signal Processors
2. Flash memory
3. DC-DC converters
4. Audio amplifiers
5. Low-noise amplifiers
• South Korea – As per the South Korea Export Data, the import value of integrated circuits in the Philippines from South Korea in 2023 – 3 billion US dollars.
Import Variations of Integrated Circuits
1. Power factor correction
2. Operational amplifiers
3. Low-noise amplifiers
4. Ethernet controllers for networking
5. Application-Specific Integrated Circuits
• Singapore – As per the Singapore Export Data, the import value of integrated circuits in the Philippines from Singapore in 2023 – 2.7 billion US dollars.
Import Variations of Integrated Circuits
1. LED driver ICs
2. Temperature sensor ICs
3. Engine control unit (ECU) ICs
4. Encryption/decryption ICs
5. Wi-Fi and Bluetooth ICs
• Thailand – As per the Thailand Export Data, the import value of integrated circuits in the Philippines from Thailand in 2023 – 1 billion US dollars.
Import Variations of Integrated Circuits
1. LCD and OLED display drivers
2. Accelerometers and gyroscope ICs
3. Advanced driver-assistance systems
4. Smart card ICs
5. Mobile baseband processors
• United States – As per the USA Export Data, the import value of integrated circuits in the Philippines from the United States in 2023 – 800 million US dollars.
Import Variations of Integrated Circuits
1. Touchscreen controllers
2. Proximity sensor ICs
3. Light sensor ICs
4. In-vehicle networking ICs
5. Biometric sensor ICs
• Taiwan – As per the Taiwan Export Data, the import value of integrated circuits in the Philippines from Taiwan in 2023 – 700 million US dollars.
Import Variations of Integrated Circuits
1. Wi-Fi and Bluetooth ICs
2. Advanced driver-assistance systems
3. Fiber optic transceiver ICs
4. Touchscreen controllers
5. Ethernet controllers for networking
• Germany – As per the Germany Export Data, the import value of integrated circuits in the Philippines from Germany in 2023 – 500 million US dollars.
Import Variations of Integrated Circuits
1. Accelerometers and gyroscope
2. Advanced driver-assistance systems
3. Encryption/decryption ICs
4. Biometric sensor ICs
5. Satellite communication ICs
• Netherlands – As per the Netherlands Export Data, the import value of integrated circuits in the Philippines from the Netherlands in 2023 – is 400 million US dollars.
Import Variations of Integrated Circuits
1. CAN bus transceivers
2. Digital logic gates and flip-flops
3. Proximity sensor ICs
4. Digital logic gates
5. Low-noise amplifiers
1. Import trade value of integrated circuits in the Philippines 2013 – 6 billion US dollars.
2. Import trade value of integrated circuits in the Philippines 2014 – 6.7 billion US dollars.
3. Import trade value of integrated circuits in the Philippines 2015 – 5.8 billion US dollars.
4. Import trade value of integrated circuits in the Philippines 2016 – 4.65 billion US dollars.
5. Import trade value of integrated circuits in the Philippines 2017 – 5 billion US dollars.
6. Import trade value of integrated circuits in the Philippines 2018 – 5.81 billion US dollars.
7. Import trade value of integrated circuits in the Philippines 2019 – 7 billion US dollars.
8. Import trade value of integrated circuits in the Philippines 2020 – 7.1 billion US dollars.
9. Import trade value of integrated circuits in the Philippines 2021 – 7.8 billion US dollars.
10. Import trade value of integrated circuits in the Philippines 2022 – 8.5 billion US dollars.
Que. What is the Philippines' top import of integrated circuits in 2023?
Ans. Microprocessors are the Philippine's top import of integrated circuits in 2023.
Que. Who is the top trade partner of the Philippines for integrated circuits import in 2023?
Ans. China is the top trade partner of the Philippines for integrated circuits import in 2023.
Que. Where can you get a detailed trade analysis of the Philippine's integrated circuits import in 2023?
Ans. At Import Globals, you can get a detailed trade analysis of the Philippine's integrated circuits import in 2023.