China Export Data

China Export Data

China has been the largest exporter of goods in the world from past decade. As per the China Customs Data, the country was number two economy in the world in terms of GDP.

According to China Export Data, China exported a total value of U$3.3 trillion in 2021, making it a number one exporter in the world. The main exports of the country are broadcasting equipment, integrated circuits, computers, office machine parts and telephones. The main export partners of China are the United States, Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea and Germany.

Our China Global Data is based on the custom shipping bills, bill of entries, that provide real-time, and the most accurate and authentic information. Import Globals China Export Shipment Data helps the exporters to identify the global buyers of their particular product which they want to export along with accurate details pertaining price, quantity and other key inputs.

China Custom Trade data- Exclusive information includes

Imports Globals provide the most accurate, authentic, comprehensive and real-time China Export Customs Data report that accurately provides a bird’s eye view of figures and facts about the exporting dynamics of the country.

China Export Customs Trade Data Shows Top 10 Exporting Products In 2020 – Analysis By Chapter

  • 26.6% - Electric machinery, equipment with a value of US$ 954.8 billion
  • 15.4% - Machinery including computers with a value of US$ 552 billion
  • 4.2%- Vehicles with a value of US$ 150.2 billion
  • 4% Plastics, plastics articles with a value of US$ 143.5 billion
  • 3.6 % Furniture, bedding, lighting, signs a value of US$ 130.9 billion
  • 3.1% Articles of iron and steel with a value of US$ 110.3 billion
  • 2.9% Toys, games with a value of US$ 103.3 billion
  • 2.8% Organic chemicals with a value of US$ 101.9 billion
  • 2.5% Knit or Crochet clothing, accessories with a value of US$ 90.9 billion
  • 2.2% Iron, Steel with a value of US$ 77.3 billion

China Export Global Trade Data Shows Top 10
Trading Partners
of China

  • USA with a share of 16.2% (582 billion US$)
  • Hong Kong with a share of 8.27% (297 billion US$)
  • Japan with a share of 4.81% (172 billion US$)
  • Korea with a share of 4.52% (162 billion US$)
  • Vietnam with a share of 4.08% (146 billion US$)
  • India with a share of 3.29% (118 billion US$)
  • Netherlands with a share of 3.27% (117 billion US$)
  • Germany with a share of 3.23% (116 billion US$)
  • Malaysia with a share of 2.6% (93 billion US$)
  • Other Asia with a share of 2.27% (81 billion US$)

China Export Data Sample

We Import Globals provides you a platform to reach direct suppliers & buyers of your product. You can check by using our China export trade statistics data out all trade activities between China and other countries. We have recorded more than 80 million of shipment records from over 8 million businesses in 18 countries.

We have established top leading name in the market by serving more than 5000 clients and they are highly satisfied with our services.

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